Monday, February 02, 2004

Almost away; Already not here

So, the countdown begins. Without trying to sound too dramatic about it all...but how can I not dramatise it all. Such a big big move...such a major change. And I am quite scared. And I still cannot quite fathom the possibility of it all; that it IS actually about to happen. And what will happen once it does.

Booked my ticket yesterday. 13 April 2004 is moving day. It's like I've now put a downpayment on this life change. So final now. In these last few weeks of being in Sydney, it's almost like I am not a resident here anymore...not being able to commit to anything long-term; not being able to enter into any relationships; not bothering to meet new people. It's about closure now. Getting things in order...or perhaps "mothballing" is a better term - less terminal. But no, being in another place does not mean things here will freeze. I will change, people here will change and it will be very interesting to see how my connections to these people and to this city changes...


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