Saturday, February 28, 2004

The end and the moon

My grandad is out of the hospital
Now he has to cheer himself up
Create something new from the past in his head

And then my friend got married
The weekend just passed
There she was in white and beads
And I couldn't recall seeing her in white before
All I could recall was our friendship, a couple years ago,
When things were different
When we used to hang out
When we used to speak more than the blue moon shone
And then she was off on her honeymoon
With her new husband and her new life
And a promise to catch up before mine.

I can start it soon, I'm all clear
It has started to hit me now - it's near, fuck It's almost here...
The dominoes being layed
When I walked into his office and resigned
I'm light now, tetherless

And I'm thinking of what I'm dropping
And leaving behind
The people, and their choices (the profound ones they have to make)
Their changes (the ones I make for them and the others they face)
And the separation between us -
But how it's bridged by our voices, and thoughts and memories
And when I look at the moon
Perhaps I'll see them reflected in it.


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